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What Others Are Saying . . .

This experience by far was the best gift of "Now" I could have received. It was well worth the cost and I received so much more in return. Through the live classes, intern experience, tools, etc. I learned many things that have already benefitted me in so many ways. I am excited about my future and the plans that are in store for me as I move forward in my gift of "Now."  S.L.


I did a thing, everybody! I'm so excited to report that I received my certification in grief coaching from the Institute of Professional Grief Coaching, led by powerhouse Dora Carpenter, CPC! Tracie Q. Gilbert, Ph.D. 


Grief to Gratitude Grief Coach Certification - Authentic, professional, focused, productive, fulfilling, worth every dime.  Diane Wegner, Appleton, WI


My experience with the From Grief to Gratitude Life Coach Cert program was confirming and enlightening. Dora, my instructor's experience and guidance, and tools gave me the confidence to move forward as a Grief Life Coach. I am truly grateful for this program.  Sally Love Thomas Los Angeles, CA


Dora Carpenter and her “from grief to gratitude” program offers a methodology for approaching grief in a way that both gives one both permission to grieve and permission to move forward to a life without the loved one. The training is also beneficial to a coach trainee who has experienced loss as Dora and all the trainees, as part of the educational process, provide space for co-trainees to express/process their grief and to create a legacy out of their pain.  Vivian Brown-Toussaint, JD, MDiv,

Pascagoula, MS


"I have discovered through this program that there is an art to listening in a non-judgmental way, and there is great power in asking powerful questions, at the right time."  Lorraine Lane, Baltimore, MD


"The From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program was an answer to my prayers. I was looking for a way to learn how best to help others navigate their grief and this program was the perfect fit for me. Because it does not follow any religious doctrine I am able to use the tools I've learned with any client I come across. This program offers the perfect combination of structure and freedom in recognition of the fact that everyone goes through grief in their own unique way. Program Director and Trainer Dora Carpenter is a joy to work with and learning through her was a wonderful experience." Terri Besecker, Dallas, PA


"This course was great! Dora Carpenter is a highly-skilled, compassionate teacher who brings a wealth of knowledge to the class. It was worth every penny!"  Liz B., Mission Viejo, CA


I experienced a number of setbacks of trying to accomplish a "Funeral Director's License" for over 3 years and was not able to pass the one "State Exam" 10 times attempted a setback was only a God Blessed "Set-Up " !!! Due to the nature of Grief and the ministry the desire to comfort others. God heard my "Clarington Call " with the program. As I prayed after having taken the State Exam for the last time...I asked God what is it I was missing. For He deals with me in dreams and visions He gave me the name of the business, the sketch of the building down to the furniture, and color to use. In a small voice , I heard the Lord say : "Let the Dead Bury the Dead". I felt so at peace, because I would not really be able to really help the families as I would like to. So, the Lord led me to search the web to see how I would be able to use the credentials I had already to combine with a program of which would not take so much time. (I'm not as young as I once Again, my Lord and Savior Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit guided me to the interview with "Coach Dora " I never listen to things of this nature , I'm not accustomed to searching the web for nothing....But God in His infinite profound and unsurmountable love for me introduced me to : From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program: my saving grace. ... My Name is Elect Lady , Houston, Texas


"My 16 yr old son was killed in a car accident a year before I started the group. I had done some support groups, but was still looking for "my people". I found them in this class. And now I can turn the pain of losing my son, and the grief that I suffered for a year, into a purpose driven life that can provide comfort and support to others in the same situation, education to those who are unaware, as well as move me on in my own personal life to do what I am here for. Thank you Dora !"


"A great program not only for my coaching business, but also for my personal grief journey and development. Thanks to this program I was able to shift towards gratitude. The extremely sensitive, safe, and welcoming environment that Dora created was what allowed me to stop resisting, accept the situation, and look forward new future. Thank you Dora, you are a role model for me. You live what you teach."  Beata, Slovakia


"I am so grateful to take the plunge and step into an area that is much needed today. So many suffer in our communities silently in the deep dark depths of grief. There is help out there and Ms. Dora has created a very organized ICF certified program to help individuals and those in the workplace receive the help they need. The goal is to go from Grief to Gratitude and celebrate living life in Joy again! I recommend this program for those who are passionate about Grief Coaching."

Maxine, Florida


"I wasn't sure what to expect initially when I registered for "From Grief to Gratitude" Coach Certification but it more than exceeded my expectations. I not only was able to move forward with some of my own unresolved grief but I learned so much about how to help others move from "pain to peace, heartbreak to happiness and grief to gratitude in the shortest amount of time." I am forever grateful to Dora and this program!"

Cveta Carter, Lake Geneva, WI


"Hi, my name is Cherylann Sullivan. I live in Quincy, Massachusetts. I signed up to take the Grief To Gratitude Course to enhance my value as a Client Care Specialist at an Elder Care Law Firm. .We wanted to be able to offer Grief services to our client's. I was so excited when I came across Dora's program. It was a perfect match for me. I take away so much knowledge but also a Tool Kit of exercises I can use to help my clients. It was a great decision and I cannot wait to start implementing my skills into my role."


"This program has helped relieve some pressure off of my shoulders for my own compound grief journey. There are many tools shared to help me to move forward and teach me how to walk with others through grief. I highly recommend this program for your own healing journey as well as for learning the business."

 Andrea Clark, El Dorado Hills, CA


"This is an excellent LIFE COACH program specific to grief. The instructor, course content, and virtual classroom experience provides an excellent format that will launch a GRIEF LIFE COACH'S ability to make a difference in the world we live in. We all will at one time or another encounter grief and find that support through the ICF-LIFE COACH approach moves them forward from "grief to gratitude" in due time!"

Program Graduate


"The From Grief to Gratitude Coaching Certification is enriching and helped me begin my new life path of helping to contribute to the grieving community.  I cannot wait to help be the part of the change in the way we deal and approach grief."

Tracy Robertson, Carol Stream, Illinois


"The course From Grief to Gratitude is engaging, informative, and includes practical application.  I would not want to attempt working in grief coaching without the tools and experience offered by Dora Carpenter.  Dora models authenticity, compassion, and the ability to engender hope even in the face of great pain and loss.

Michelle Russell, Ashland, Ohio


"I would recommend this class to others , the class helped me in my grief process as well as prepared me to walk with someone else through their journey.  Thank you,

Phyllis Keel, N. Chesterfield, Virginia


"Dora is very passionate about opening up the conversation around grief and giving grievers a voice.

I felt very aligned with her vision and her compassionate call and aspire to be a coach to others as she has been for us in class."

Patricia, New York, NY


"The From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program has given me the tools and confidence to support people at every stage of grief. I am empowered to talk about grief and loss in all settings, shifting the narrative in a grief-avoidant culture."

Christina Taylor, Hercules, CA


"I am a griever. I lived in the Pit of Dispair, for way too long. I am also aware that the loss of my daughter and my grief journey has equipped me for a new purpose. I want to help others move from grief to gratitude as fast as is possible. I was able to learn new tools and organize my own thoughts be attending this class. A heartfelt Thank You Dora."

Stan Thomas Eugene, Oregon


"My personal experiences with grief and my interest in supporting others led me to the program.

Dora, the instructor is knowledgeable and creates a classroom environment that is warm and engaging. After taking the From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program, I feel confident that I have a variety of tools and techniques to use to support others move forward in their grief journey."

Kim Bagley Accokeek, MD


"Dora, you have helped me and my family in so many ways by providing this program! Without you, I don't think I would have dug deeper into my own heart!  Everyone comes into our lives for a purpose and at just the right moment. I will be

forever grateful for you." ~~ Program Participant


"I lost my husband to terminal illness on June 16, 2020.  I was experiencing grief in a way that I felt that I could not handle the pain of loosing a man that has been in my life for 48 years. I felt as if my inside had been ripped from me. I was hurting, exhausted, overwhelmed, didn't want to eat. I would wake up in the wee wee hours of the morning crying out to God for comfort and healing of the soul.  One day I was browsing the web and Grief Share information appeared during my

browsing. I started reading the information concerning from Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program. I know without a doubt that it was a divine set up for me to hook-up with this Program.  After reading the information and registering for the From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program I knew then that this Program is for me so I can move from grief to Gratitude and to Coach others as they journey this road of Grief. Thanks Dora for being that willing vessel used by God to reach persons like myself." ~~ D.M.S, Greensboro, MD


"I've been working with grief clients and grief support groups for over two years and I didn't realize how healing a gratitude-focused approach can be. It helps the client shift their perspective on how they see grief and healing."  ~~ Frank Comparato, Andover, MA


“My experience with Grief to Gratitude was exceptional. If you want to learn how to help others professionally through the grieving process and the different seasons of Grief this is the Institute to be a part of. Ms. Dora is a Beast. Her knowledge and how she imparts it to her students is amazing. Don't take my word, experience her and the Institute for yourself. God Bless You Ms. Dora and God’s favor be with you always.” ~~ SMILE Support Services (Sudden. Mercies. Inspired. Love. Everlasting) Katy, Texas


“If you are looking to change your career and have a passion for helping others, I highly recommend the Grief to Gratitude course. Each week I looked forward to learning from Dora she is so inspirational and kept us engaged. With each module we were taught I left the class so excited to use with my clients. I am very grateful to have been a part of this course and would highly recommend it.” ~~ Kim Oswald, Boston MA


“The program was awesome. It was twofold for me because I lost my wife to Covid-19. So I was going through my own grieving process. I am in a better place now because of the class and my pro-bono client is also in a better place now.” ~~ Bishop Ronald Hardy, Sr., Zachary, Louisiana


"I went from only knowing that grief was caused by death, to learning the different types of grief, the ways to acknowledge and honor grief and also how to transform grief to gratitude. The methods I learned throughout the course have been exceptional tools of service for me as a grief coach. I recommend this course to anyone who is feeling compelled to work with those experiencing grief." ~~ Certified Grief Coach


"Dora’s From Grief to Gratitude Coaching Program has transformed my life! Not only has it contributed to my grief journey, this program has given me the sufficient tools to become an excellent grief coach!" ~~ Ashley Gooden-Stewart,

La Marque, TX


"The Grief To Gratitude program is God-sent. I knew I wanted to learn more about grief, the process of grief, and I did some research and I felt led to attend the Grief To Gratitude program. The director breathed life into us. She was more than just an instructor, but like a mother teaching us like her kids. She Got to know her students very quickly and very personally and in the small amount of time. I made connections with people that I would’ve never met and developed a sense of camaraderie and sister hood with some of my classmates. This program served as a support and helping me to process my own grief and help me to find my way to get on my feet to fulfill the vision and call that’s on my life... my classmates offered insight and inspiration, motivation, and support to help me to begin my dream...using my pain of grief to help others...No greater reward than that. This program is helping me to find meaning and all the pain and suffering that I went through over death. I am indebted to this program for helping me to make meaning of all the pain that death has brought into my Life and can now use the pain for purpose and to help others. This program is unlike any other and not only is it an accredited program, but the value of not just the education you will receive alone, but the support and the love and the vision you’ll get from just taking the program and being under Ms. words can ever describe or value placed on what you’ll gain taking this will change your life. " ~~ Certified Grief Coach


"Dora is compassionate, generous and engaging, and her wisdom and years of experience shine through in the From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program. In this course I was able to expand my own understanding of different types of grief beyond what I've personally experienced, and I feel very well-equipped to support clients as they seek healthy ways to express grief in their own lives." ~~ Emily Shutt, Philadelphia, PA


"As someone that grew up with low self-esteem and been through every aspect of dealing with personal loss and grief, I have always enjoyed helping people and by accepting who i am, I found that by being a Certified Grief Coach is a way that I can do that. From Grief to Gratitude is by far the best thing that i have ever done. If you have a passion and a calling to help people with grief, then this is the course for you." ~~ Roy B. Fisher, Biloxi, MS


"Dora introduces the foundations of grief and how to work on any unresolved issues, no matter the type or reason. The biggest benefit for me was working through my personal experiences while learning to coach others through the grief process." ~~ Natalie Miles from Texas


I researched for quite sometime to find a grief coaching program that would be a good fit for me. It was important that the program be approved by the ICF and honored my personal values. I found this program to be a perfect fit for me. Dora is so compassionate and supportive. She is also very knowledgeable and truly an expert in this field. I couldn’t be happier to be a Certified From Grief to Gratitude Coach!" ~~ Rhonda Cornwall, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands


"The program is a must attend for those seeking to assist others during the grief process, story and journey to healing and gratitude; furthermore, it is empowering to take a leap of faith and provide grief to gratitude services." ~~ Sindile Dlamini, Washington, DC


“Thank you so very much for allowing me to be myself. Your course gave me clear understanding regarding the role of a grief coach. The information I now have has equipped me to make a strong, positive impact in the lives of other individuals. Thank you.” ~~ Pat Day-McCray, Chicago, IL


"A whole new door opened for me! I finally feel qualified enough to pursue my goal and purpose of helping others finding joy in life again! After two suicides in my immediate family, I am finally ready to help others through their grief process and lead them from grief to gratitude!" ~~ Manuela Novotny, Cleveland, Ohio


"Ms. Carpenter offers a non-traditional approach to helping clients through their grief. She is correct when she says there is no standard operating procedure or cookie cutter approach. This resonated perfectly with me. She is fabulous!!! ~~ Anonymous


"Taking this course has been one of the single most healing things I have done since the 2 most recent losses in my personal life. The skills or tools that I learned have helped me in my personal journey as well as giving me the tools to support others through their journey through the heartache of grief. If you are considering this course, for your own personal healing, to advance you in your current career, or to set you on an entirely different career path, I encourage you to jump in... ALL IN! The results are beyond my wildest dreams." ~~ Jolie Hrominchuk, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


"This program gives you the tools to help others move through their grief journey with greater awareness, optimism, fortitude and belief in their ability to find meaning on the other side of loss. Whether you're looking to work with others who have experienced loss or healing from your own, Dora's wise, warm and compassionate presence will make you feel supported and safe...and you just may be amazed by how quickly the wilderness that is grief can bloom with seeds of gratitude and possibility." ~~ Naila F., Philadelphia, PA


"I cant recommend this programme enough. If you are reading this sign up! As a ICF ACC Life Coach I benefited from further insight and understanding around the ICF core competencies as well as from all the learning, tools and pro bona coaching. I gained heightened awareness around my own grief journey and those of others closest to me. The whole programme was both cathartic and insightful. Grief is a journey and life is for living with no regrets." ~~ Clare Hadley, British expat currently living in Qatar


"The From Grief to Gratitude coaching program answered my calling to help others. The program helped me better understand my grief and how I could serve others. This is not a generic coaching program that you can attempt to plug and play into grief coaching. You are getting first hand, professional insight and experience from a woman who started this from scratch. If you ever get the opportunity, I hope you have the pleasure of at the very least, speaking with Dora. You will truly be inspired." ~~ Brian N., Worcester, MA


"I'm surprised Dora doesn't offer a money back guarantee! This program is top notch, personal, and professional all in one. She raises the bar on dealing with grief!!" ~~ Dot R. VT


"I never suspected I could feel so hopeful about my own life again...and yet I am feeling alive inside, what an amazing feeling. Not only do I see where I can help others I feel so grateful to have received so much help myself. Thank you Dora!” ~~ S. Palmieri, Connecticut


"I am fully equipped to carry out my calling to walk with others on their grief journey after completing this program. Dora Carpenter is a grief expert and true servant leader." ~~ Heather D. Horton, Washington, DC


"Class time was not only an opportunity to learn, but an opportunity to grow and heal personally. I looked forward to our meetings every week. Dora genuinely cared about us as students, and I feel so grateful to have crossed paths." ~~ Rachael, Milwaukee, WI


"I not only learned how to coach clients along their grief journey, I also learned how to grow through my own grief. Dora is a wise, knowledgeable, discerning, caring and inspirational instructor. This program is life changing!!!" ~~ Valerie A., Frederick, MD


"The magnitude of the ripple effect from this class is immeasurable! Dora has put together such a wonderful program and the amount of people benefitting is enormous. I was in a place in my life when I knew that I wanted to continue helping people through grief but didn't know how to. This class was a godsend. Not only did it help me find a new career but helped me in every aspect of my life. Her encouragement, knowledge, expertise and love will live on in her students and the lives they touch for years to come." ~~ Teisha Casasanta, Atlanta, GA


"I was divinely guided to the Grief to Gratitude Certification Coaching Program. With open heart and willing spirit, I received the guidance on how I to incorporate grief coaching, guidance, and services in my ministry. It all began when I said, "Yes!"" ~~ Rev. Dr. Anthony Farmer, Mount Rainier, MD


"Finding this program felt very much like finding a little cabin in the wilderness when you're cold, wet, lost, hungry and tired. It has give me correct information, connection with like minded people, a platform, many tools, reassurance, hope, direction and inspiration to help myself and others for the grief journey." ~~ Nicci Davis, Chicago, IL


"Dora is truly dedicated and passionate about her work. It's obvious that her knowledge is something she wants to share as a legacy because she was so patient with all our questions and had lots of resources and examples for us. I highly recommend this course if you have suffered a loss personally, or if you want to add it to your existing coaching curriculum or if you want to go into grief specifically. There are so many opportunities. The part I enjoyed the most was that now I actually have tools to comfort people that are suffering from grief. That's empowering." ~~ VS, Denver, CO


"This program came at a time when I desperately needed it. I walked out my ground through it and am so excited to help others do the same. Dora is an amazing teacher and person." ~~ Dawn Christiansen Tulare, CA


"When I found Dora, I had just written my first book that came out of my own grief experience, and was looking to have a certification behind my name so I could help people with their own unique grief journey. What I found was that I recognized and improved on my own limiting beliefs, and strengthened my value knowing that the grief from my own loss could serve others in my imperfections." ~~ Kristina Risinger- Jacksonville, FL


"I am so grateful to Dora for creating this From Grief to Gratitude program. I loved everything about her and how she ran her intimate, full of love coaching program. I learned so much about how to support and nurture anyone going through grief and I feel confident after working with 2 clients throughout the program to help many more. I appreciated how honest Dora was about her journey in supporting client through grief and all that she learned in her career. Dora is down to earth, genuine, loving and AMAZING! She breathes belief into everyone she meets and you can't help but believe in your success and impact. Thank you for being you Dora! You are loved." ~~ Jen Kerkado, Commit to Explore Coaching


"If you are struggling with death and don’t know what will help, think about giving back by taking the Grief to Gratitude coaching course. It will help you to see just how fragile life is and that we all need to live life while we are here. Giving back by helping others through their unique journey is the best self healing I have ever experienced." ~~ Brooke Watts, Scoffield UT


"I am truly grateful for this Program. If only I would have had this information years ago while experiencing many losses in my own life. I love helping people. Now I feel confident I'm equipped with the tools to fully make an impact on other’s lives as it's made a difference in mine. I look forward to journeying with my clients, and moving them From Grief to Gratitude, and helping them create their own legacy." ~~ Rose Smith, Central City, Kentucky


"I am so grateful to have found this program. While transitioning from my own grief to gratitude, I was also obtaining the tools and techniques to help others along their grief journeys. This program is packed with information and support and Dora is truly an angel on Earth." ~~ Heidi, Windsor, VT


"From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program was the right choice for me. For with the loss of my husband, I experienced the devastation of grief but because I did the grief work I now find gratitude in the life I had, have, and will have! I hope to help others to do the same with what I learned!" ~~ Cheryl Collins Gatons, Greensburg, PA


"The question was asked, about 24 hours ago… What am I grateful for? I am grateful for God's gift of this abundant life. Reflecting on my past five years, aware of the many storms arising and subsiding in my life. The many ups and downs… grateful that I can put them all in its rightful place and continue to MOVE FORWARD. Grateful for you Ms. Dora, for opening up some paths to do what I have known I was called to do. To make a compassionate move to continue to heal myself while supporting others. I know Dora there is a purpose and destiny for me as I continue to move forward and not get STUCK. Thank you for your TOOL KIT for life." ~~ Patricia Blaino, Bowie, Maryland


"My experience with Mrs. Carpenter's class was great to say the least. The humble spirit she displayed made the class go well for me because she allowed as many questions that needed clarity to be asked. Her wisdom about grief is really phenomenal. The list of things on her website that describes the experience she had with people loosing their loved one, well in the classroom it shows with all her knowledge.When someone didn't understand something she used anologies that painted a good picture." ~~ A.M., Charlotte, North Carolina



Ms. Dora! We may never get the chance to meet in person but I must tell you how this program has changed my life! I started with the idea of being able to help others and it turns out I too needed the help. I just want to say it was a pleasure learning and growing from this experience. You are the PERFECT guide to the program. I felt like I was learning from a friend. I cried, laughed, and learned so much from you. I'm HONORED to be one of your students! I promise to represent you well. May God continue to bless and guide you.

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Grief is the journey. Gratitude is the destination.®â€‹


Disclaimer: Our programs are not based on a conceptual, intellectual, or theological perspective. The program, its instructor(s), and coaches provide education and support. We do not imply, infer, or attempt to fix, heal, or cure grief and do not imply or provide professional counseling or therapy. If you are experiencing serious suicidal thoughts that you cannot control, please call or text 988 for the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or go to  ICF Disclaimer:  The From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program is accredited by the International Coaching Federation to offer Continuing Coach Education (CCE) hours to credentialed coaches.  The program does not credential you as an ICF (ACC, PCC, MCC) coach. Please see the ICF website for coach credentialing requirements at

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